About Me

I am Mark Ivan Ugalino (preferred pronouns: he/him/his). I was born and raised in Quezon City, Philippines. My main research interests are on astrophysics, partial differential equations, and computational methods for physics. I am currently exploring how magnetic fields affect the evolution of galaxies at different physical scales through MHD simulations using ART and RAMSES.

I believe that our conscience should be at the core of scientific progress. Science is a human enterprise driven entirely by the people, for the people.

(above) Header photo taken during my trip to Franconia Notch, NH (left) selfie taken with my partner during our trip to Bali, Indonesia


    Fall 2023 - present

PhD in Astronomy

University of Maryland College Park (Adviser: Benedikt Diemer)

Graduate School Dean's Fellowship (2023)

2021 - 2023

MSc in Physics

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (Adviser: Robert Fisher)

Graduate Research Award (2022)

Chancellor's Centennial Engineering Scholarship (2023)

NASA FINESST Future Investigator (ROSES 2022) awardee

2018 - 2020

MSc in Physics 

University of the Philippines - Diliman  (Adviser: Ian Vega)

2013 - 2018

BSc in Physics (5-year program)

University of the Philippines - Diliman (Adviser: Ian Vega)

Nominated for outstanding undergraduate thesis

Awards / Grants 

 ('Gawad Direktor para sa Natatanging Bagong Guro', 'Gawad Direktor para sa Natatanging Recitation Instructor')

Professional Experience and Service to the Field


Conferences / Talks / Posters


Peer-reviewed Journal Article

Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings


SPP - Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas (Physics Society of the Philippines)